Friday, November 5, 2010

Annual Meeting Agenda


0830 - 0930  -  Registration for those who did not come in Friday Evening
0930 - 0935  -  WELCOME  -  President Steve Cummings

0935 - 0950  -  Welcome -  Carrie Stuart    Gettysburg Chamber of Commerce

0950 - 1050  -  Brief FFMA Business Meeting  -  President Steve Cummings

1050 - 1105  -  Short Break

1105 - 1120  -  Discovery Center Update & Grand Opening  -  Jack Graham

1125 - 1200  -  Reforestation of Gettysburg Battlefield  -  Randy Krichton

1200 - 1300  -                L U N C H  B R E A K

1300 - 1330  -  Use Google Maps To Explore the World  -  Dr. Peter Linehan

1335 - 1405  -  American Chestnut Reintroduction Project  -  Jim Foose

1410 - 1425  -  Short Break

1425 - 1455  -  Mira Lloyd Dock - Her Legacy To Harrisburg and Pennsylvania -
                         Dr. Norman Lacasse

1500 - 1530  -  The Lincoln Highway Heritage Corridor  -  Fred Gantz

1535 - 1600  -  Updates on Other Affiliated Organizations
                             Mont Alto Historical Society, Appalachian Trail Museum,
                             South Mountain Partnership

1800 - 1830  -  Social Time Prior To Evening Banquet  -  At the Banquet Site
(Initial Showing of New FFMA Video!)

1830 - Approx 2100   Banquet  -   Awards  -  Prizes  -   Fun
                                      Forest Heritage Concert

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