Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thanks to our Contributors

The PFFMA would like to thank to following contributors for making the 2010 annual meeting a great success!

Lady Moon Farms  -  Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Beddard
Joseph McCarthy
Norman Lacasse
Peter Linehan
Jack Graham
Paul Sebasovich
Karen High
Rick Flowers
Frank & Tammy Mertz
Paul Augustine
Enoch Frankhouser
Steve Cummings
Brad Bates
Mark Haughwout
Lisa Lasalle
Vince Phillips - Phillips Associates

Items For Door Prizes or Silent Auction
John Bitzer
Paul Sebasovich
Olga Herbert - Lincoln Highway Heritage Corridor
Jack Graham
Brad Bates - Caledonia Guest House
Rich Valley Golf, Mechanicsburg PA
Jeff Stuffle
Jim Foose
Jack Graham

Item For Raffle
Travis Pugh, Pennsylvania Game Commission

Dinner Centerpieces
Sharon Sebasovich

Items For Use At Meeting
Martin’s Potato Chips,  Thomasville PA

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Annual Meeting Photo

Smile everyone! Here are the participants at the 2010 PA Forest Fire Museum Association annual meeting in Gettysburg this past Saturday, Nov. 6. The Eisenhower Hotel and Conference Center was a great place to hold a meeting. We left the meeting inspired to make the coming year a great success for PFFMA.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Partnering Organizations at the Annual Meeting

One of the most interesting parts of the annual meeting was the series of brief reports from partnering organizations. We have a lot to learn from sharing with our colleagues.

Check out the links!

George H. Wirt Award

PFFMA secretary Lisa Lasalle was awarded the George H. Wirt award for her long and dedicated service to the PFFMA and the cause of forest conservation, at yesterday's annual meeting in Gettysburg.

 PFFMA President, Steve Cummings, presents Lisal Lasalle with the George H. Wirt award.

Lisa Lasalle surrounded by previous Wirt award winners: John Bitzer, Steve Cummings, Bill Parr, and Norm Lacasse.

Van Wagner Performs

Singer and educator Van Wagner peformed at the PFFMA Annual Meeting in Gettysburg. Choosing a combination of songs about logging, rafting, and the rural life Wagner used videos as backdrops to his music. It was a great performance. Click here to see Van Wagner's web page and educational programs.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Progress at the Discovery Center

Jack Graham shared these pictures of progress at the Discovery Center at the old park headquarters at Caledonia State Park during the annual meeting in Gettysburg.

We can't wait for the center to be open!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Annual Meeting Agenda


0830 - 0930  -  Registration for those who did not come in Friday Evening
0930 - 0935  -  WELCOME  -  President Steve Cummings

0935 - 0950  -  Welcome -  Carrie Stuart    Gettysburg Chamber of Commerce

0950 - 1050  -  Brief FFMA Business Meeting  -  President Steve Cummings

1050 - 1105  -  Short Break

1105 - 1120  -  Discovery Center Update & Grand Opening  -  Jack Graham

1125 - 1200  -  Reforestation of Gettysburg Battlefield  -  Randy Krichton

1200 - 1300  -                L U N C H  B R E A K

1300 - 1330  -  Use Google Maps To Explore the World  -  Dr. Peter Linehan

1335 - 1405  -  American Chestnut Reintroduction Project  -  Jim Foose

1410 - 1425  -  Short Break

1425 - 1455  -  Mira Lloyd Dock - Her Legacy To Harrisburg and Pennsylvania -
                         Dr. Norman Lacasse

1500 - 1530  -  The Lincoln Highway Heritage Corridor  -  Fred Gantz

1535 - 1600  -  Updates on Other Affiliated Organizations
                             Mont Alto Historical Society, Appalachian Trail Museum,
                             South Mountain Partnership

1800 - 1830  -  Social Time Prior To Evening Banquet  -  At the Banquet Site
(Initial Showing of New FFMA Video!)

1830 - Approx 2100   Banquet  -   Awards  -  Prizes  -   Fun
                                      Forest Heritage Concert