Monday, November 5, 2012

Shoaff's Mill Visit

During the annual meeting we had the opportunity to visit Shoaff's Mill at Little Buffalo State Park. Thanks to our guide from the PA State Parks.

Annual Meeting 2012

This year's meeting was held at Little Buffalo State Park in Newport, PA. It was a cold day, but we had a warm time in the meeting hall at the campsite.
Here is the picture of the attendees.

Founders of the PAFFMA who attended the meeting are pictured above. Back row: Mike Ripton and Paul Augustine. Front row: Steven Cummings, Paul Sevasovich and John Bitzer.

Among the issues discussed during the meeting were:

  • PAFFMA annual business meeting.
  • Status of prescribed fire in PA and developments at the PA Bureau of Forestry.
  • Review of the 2011 workshop discussions. Where are we a year later/
  • Thoughts from the 1895 Rothrock report.

After the banquet Paul Sebasovitch was presented with the George Wirt award.